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:~: Saturday, July 25, 2009 :~:

Entitled: As NSF, we are misunderstood..

Have you ever felt misunderstood? Or unappreciated by people who couldn't care less to put themselves in your shoes?

If you are serving time in national service, isn't it disheartening to hear that sometimes despite the fact that you have been working your socks off, people still come up to you and say, "eh, NS very hard meh?". Don't you just feel like punching that person on the spot? Many a times we are sadden by the fact that we do not get the support we deserve. So much for serving full time huh?

As i sit in camp wondering whether this is worth my time, it was brought to my attention of an amusing article of a mum who's sceptical about us servicemen. The escapades that my friend related to me about what this mum has posted on our local forum really made me see the irony of some local people here. I mean, if you use wet tissue to wipe the seat after an nsf has given it up for you, and then claim that you are just wiping the seat and not saying that he's smelly/dirty/whatever that you find disguisting to you, oh please, that's a super contradicting statement right? Common', some people just need to get a grip with themselves. I wish that mum gives birth to a son in the near future..

To those who say "ns very hard meh?", please sign on and try....
To those who say "they very smelly leh", you can try taking your turn to defend the nation, maybe it's time for us to take a break..


...penned by Shuapok at 2:51 PM

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