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:~: Wednesday, July 25, 2007 :~:

Entitled: Overseas University

Recently in the news headlines " Study Abroad but 'make future here' "

At first glance at this statement we might think it's what we as local citizens should do. Furthermore we've spent so many years of our basic education locally and it's only "right" that we come back here to contribute to the society.

Father: Son, look at this, no space in the local uni.. Errr, they ask you to go overseas study ahhh.. then... come back here and work lah.. What logic seh...?
Son: Dad, i'm only 17, i'm going NS in a couple of months, who knows what grades my A'Levels are going to be? I might get accepted into local uni, who knows?
Father: But seriously, if they can't provide enough space here, where's the love in asking people come back...? :(

So to come back or not to come back? They say the friends we make during our teenage years are the ones that will remain with us for life. Hmmm, subjective here but then again many of us do gain our strong friends from childhood.

And one more thing to consider, as we move overseas to study, how about the friends we make there. Say we love the life there, we wanna settle stay there after study.. Hmmm, do we have an obligation to our country?

That brings us to the next crappiness about life. Sometimes we are bonded by things, here and there, that ties us down in one way or another. Scholarships deem we have to come back and work for the company sometimes, free training schemes mean we have to sign a extended contract with a company. It's so complicated, especially in a country like Singapore. Fast pace and hectic lifestyles, it seems we cannot stop moving around.

Do what you feel is right, don't let anyone direct you in your life.


...penned by Philosophist at 4:33 PM

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