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:~: Friday, July 27, 2007 :~:

Entitled: Life Of A Raindrop

As the weather turns colder and the rain frequents, we as people who move about have loads of encounter with that we call the "raindrops". We see them as we wait for buses at the busstop, we see them forming on our window. We watch with facination as they join with one another and form a streaking line of water down our windows...

Raindrops, what are they to us? Countless beads of water that falls from the sky each time it rains. Have we wondered what is it like to be a raindrop? Raindrop spells freedom, something we do not have currently.

Life of a raindrop starts from the sky, where it is in the form of clouds. As their friends are added to the party they grow till the party room can no longer hold any more guests. They start falling to the earth. Imagine the sheer wonder of flying through the sky, the wind whistling against your smooth rounded bottom. Imagine not having the fear of breaking any bones, but u know u will land safely and probably just make many more of yourself or be added to a ground party.

The life of a raindrop is so relaxing. Freedom reigns are you move about, the only thing thing that bothers you is the obstructions around. But they are your pathway, your channel to move around. They move you from place to place. Sometimes you seep into the large party room, where u join gallons of brothers and sisters following down the same wonderful slide. It's estacy, it's life, it's ultimately joy.

Soon you will be beckoned back to the sky by your loving guardian the Sun. It warms you, lifts up your spirits, makes you feeling like flying. Soon you no longer know yourself, you find yourself in a form that is not a form at all. Then before you know it you're back in the sky with all your beloved.

How many people exactly the freedom to do what they want, can say they have been everywhere, anywhere... In this every changing world, we humans are bounded by so many restrictions. It's seems like if everyone would have one wish, it could be to be a raindrop..

Freedom is what we desire, but freedom is what we do not get often..


...penned by Shuapok at 1:55 PM

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