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:~: Monday, August 6, 2007 :~:

Entitled: Change.

was staring at the clouds earlier and wondering why they are changing all the time, as if my eyes were camera shutters and every blink was to indicate the successful capture of an image and the subjects were free to go away. why wouldn't they stop to take a break? not even to let me do a natural Rorschach test and allow me to identify the mythical figures roaming above us? is there any meaning or purpose behind the relentless transformations?

some people are like these clouds, constantly seeking to welcome new things into their lives, pursuing novelty for its own sake instead of having meaningful goals. even if they eventually achieve great things, it would be like someone driving aimlessly and arriving at somewhere they never knew they wanted to be but upon arriving found that it was the place they had always wanted to go to. unlikely, but possible.

at the other end of the spectrum, puddles of stagnant water. people who have fallen into a valley of comfort and are fearful of having to change for change would mean inevitably mean having to sacrifice, or at the least, having to adapt to a situation and bearing the risk that it may not be as good as how things are currently. but all the growth a puddle of stagnant water can achieve, would be to allow Aedes mosquitoes to breed.

hence, when we change and grow, and adopt new forms, we should do so for meaningful purposes. to avoid having regrets, to pursue the dreams that we now hide so preciously deep in our hearts, for fear of many things, of failure, of being different, of having to give up too much. when we change, we are becoming more like the ideal us that we all have in our minds.

let us welcome change like the clouds, but never lose sight of what we want to become.

The proper function of man is to live - not merely exist.

...penned by mysteriou at 10:43 PM

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