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Impossible Is Just A Word
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:~: Monday, July 30, 2007 :~:

Entitled: Life Of A JC Student

As we stepped into a JC we never really expected what it would be like at the peak of it's assignment giving, lecture sprees, work loads and stuff that hog us down day by day we bound our name to a Juniour College.

My dad use to tell me, "Hey son, go for O's man, you know once after O's, A's is just like a breeze with mostly projects and stuff." HAHA, breeze yeah right man. It's more of a gale now. Those who cannot cope with having wind speeds of more than 300KM per hour are swept away in their bid to progress day by day. In the end only the strongest and most resilient remain. Are we strong enough to finish this race?

I use to think JC life was okay, that it was going to be fun-filled like secondary school. Hmm, even the uber fun orientations didn't help much in providing a clear picture. The first 3 months were definately super slack, and now that it's being taken away, i'm kind of glad for the later generation of people. At least they won't be mislead.

Anyway, JC life isn't helped by the fact if you have caring and thoughtful teachers and yet you don't perform. The harsh reality is that when we don't do well it's not only us that hurts but the teachers too. If teachers weren't caring maybe we won't be feeling that guilty, there's a chance to put the blame on a "lousy JC". But wells, most of us must say that our techers do indeed care a lot for us.

Even as you flip through the papers on Sunday Times 29th July, in the forums you see JC students writing about JC life. How often do you see that? Has education really gone to the state that it drives students crazy enough to write.. Errr.. To the forums? But one funny thing written by the student is her last line as she ended off, "...We might be thanking the Ministry Of Education in years to come..." Before we jump to amusing conclusions in our heads, this line actually holds a lot of meaning.. Despite education being tough, nothing is going to prepare us for the coporate world out there.. And wells, we might very well be thanking them in the future.

The question is, as the A's draw near: Are we strong enough?


...penned by Shuapok at 6:56 PM

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:~: Friday, July 27, 2007 :~:

Entitled: Life Of A Raindrop

As the weather turns colder and the rain frequents, we as people who move about have loads of encounter with that we call the "raindrops". We see them as we wait for buses at the busstop, we see them forming on our window. We watch with facination as they join with one another and form a streaking line of water down our windows...

Raindrops, what are they to us? Countless beads of water that falls from the sky each time it rains. Have we wondered what is it like to be a raindrop? Raindrop spells freedom, something we do not have currently.

Life of a raindrop starts from the sky, where it is in the form of clouds. As their friends are added to the party they grow till the party room can no longer hold any more guests. They start falling to the earth. Imagine the sheer wonder of flying through the sky, the wind whistling against your smooth rounded bottom. Imagine not having the fear of breaking any bones, but u know u will land safely and probably just make many more of yourself or be added to a ground party.

The life of a raindrop is so relaxing. Freedom reigns are you move about, the only thing thing that bothers you is the obstructions around. But they are your pathway, your channel to move around. They move you from place to place. Sometimes you seep into the large party room, where u join gallons of brothers and sisters following down the same wonderful slide. It's estacy, it's life, it's ultimately joy.

Soon you will be beckoned back to the sky by your loving guardian the Sun. It warms you, lifts up your spirits, makes you feeling like flying. Soon you no longer know yourself, you find yourself in a form that is not a form at all. Then before you know it you're back in the sky with all your beloved.

How many people exactly the freedom to do what they want, can say they have been everywhere, anywhere... In this every changing world, we humans are bounded by so many restrictions. It's seems like if everyone would have one wish, it could be to be a raindrop..

Freedom is what we desire, but freedom is what we do not get often..


...penned by Shuapok at 1:55 PM

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:~: Thursday, July 26, 2007 :~:

Entitled: My Space

U are wrong if u tink i am going to talk about myspace.com. I just wanna talk about the human right of having some space to themselves. I am quite fed up with ppl not respecting the basic rights of everyone's space; physical and mental space. One incident was that this typical emo teen with hair covering half or her face boarded the bus and as she walks towards me, i hear music growing louder and louder. Then she sat behind me and i realised that she was playing heavy metal music on her phone very loudly like she was deaf. And the bus journey was sure long. My background is suddenly filled with loud drumming and ppl shouting their lungs out but i can't really make out what they are saying (really defeats the purpose of shouting). At that time i really think that she is intruding into my space. I wanted a peaceful space of my own but she has really ruined it.

Also, i'm the kind of person who prefers having frequent personal time and space rather than mixing with ppl all the time but there are just some people who do not understand this. And the root reason why they do not understand is bcuz they nv put in effort to understand. Its not the interaction that makes ppl friends but its the mutual understanding and common interest and goals that makes one a friend.

If u are not a friend, it means u do not have permission into ppl's space so try not annoy ppl by disrupting them or to stick around too much.


...penned by Philosophist at 4:38 PM

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:~: Wednesday, July 25, 2007 :~:

Entitled: The World Is Round

I'm sure everyone knows that the earth is round, but little do they know that the world is actually round too. Btw no the world is not earth but earth is part of the world u live in (its kind of a subset thingy).

Why are they round? It is because in this way eternal can occur. The earth can keep spinning because it is round. Karma exist because the world is round. Many things in life owes its existence to the round shape. Since we live on earth in this world, there are implications of the effect of roundedness on our lives (I wonder wad grade will I get if some uni test me on the round shape). Our lives thus becomes a permutation of everyone in the world. To visualise this, treat each and everyone as a value, and the closer the ppl are to u, both physically and relationship wise, the higher the value they are and vice versa. The probability of anyone or any group's action affecting u would be determined by the value (sorry it sounded so maths).

Anyone can affect our lives, so treat others better (whether u noe them personally or not) so that ppl would not have the reason to hurt u no matter how small the possibility is and that karma won't go a cycle back to u : )



...penned by Shuapok at 5:10 PM

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Entitled: Overseas University

Recently in the news headlines " Study Abroad but 'make future here' "

At first glance at this statement we might think it's what we as local citizens should do. Furthermore we've spent so many years of our basic education locally and it's only "right" that we come back here to contribute to the society.

Father: Son, look at this, no space in the local uni.. Errr, they ask you to go overseas study ahhh.. then... come back here and work lah.. What logic seh...?
Son: Dad, i'm only 17, i'm going NS in a couple of months, who knows what grades my A'Levels are going to be? I might get accepted into local uni, who knows?
Father: But seriously, if they can't provide enough space here, where's the love in asking people come back...? :(

So to come back or not to come back? They say the friends we make during our teenage years are the ones that will remain with us for life. Hmmm, subjective here but then again many of us do gain our strong friends from childhood.

And one more thing to consider, as we move overseas to study, how about the friends we make there. Say we love the life there, we wanna settle stay there after study.. Hmmm, do we have an obligation to our country?

That brings us to the next crappiness about life. Sometimes we are bonded by things, here and there, that ties us down in one way or another. Scholarships deem we have to come back and work for the company sometimes, free training schemes mean we have to sign a extended contract with a company. It's so complicated, especially in a country like Singapore. Fast pace and hectic lifestyles, it seems we cannot stop moving around.

Do what you feel is right, don't let anyone direct you in your life.


...penned by Philosophist at 4:33 PM

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